Marriage in Hindu and Buddhist Traditions: Exploring the Differences in Concepts and Practices in Indonesia
This study explores the similarities and differences in perspectives on marriage within Hinduism and Buddhism, focusing on their spiritual concepts and social functions in the Indonesian context. Using a qualitative approach, data was collected through observations at the Vipassana Meditation Center Graha Vihara Bandung and the Wira Loka Natha Grand Temple in Cimahi, West Java, interviews with religious figures, and reviews of sacred texts and relevant literature. The findings reveal that in Hinduism, marriage is a sacred religious duty that integrates spiritual and social dimensions, where couples fulfill Dharma Bhakti to achieve higher life goals. In contrast, in Buddhism, marriage is viewed as a worldly, optional bond, not bound by religious duties or directly connected to the attainment of spiritual enlightenment. This study enriches the literature on interfaith comparison, particularly regarding marriage in Hinduism and Buddhism, and offers insights into the differing roles of marriage as both a spiritual and social institution in these two traditions. The research provides an understanding of how religious beliefs shape marriage practices and their broader implications on social and spiritual life within a diverse religious context.
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