Celibacy in Buddhism and Catholicism: Unveiling the Relationship between Sexuality and Spirituality

  • Syamsul Hadi Untung Universitas Darussalam Gontor
  • Hajar Nur Kariima Universitas Darussalam Gontor
  • Adib Fattah Suntoro Universitas Darussalam Gontor
Keywords: Celibacy, Buddhism, Catholicism, Sexuality


Buddhism and Catholicism, have different teachings but both have something in common, namely the existence of a tradition of celibacy. Where religious leaders as a priest and a monk are prohibited from being extravagant and ordered to abstain from worldly pleasures and have the condition as a vow or oath of celibacy. Celibacy is a state of life without marriage, which is carried out on religious or spiritual grounds. This study aims to reveal the nature of the meaning of celibacy in Buddhism and Catholicism as well as points of similarities and differences regarding the nature of the meaning of celibacy in the view of Buddhism or Catholicism. The author uses a descriptive analysis method to describe the nature of the meaning of celibacy, then it will be analyzed to reveal the meaning of celibacy that will be practiced in the life of a Buddhist and Catholic religious leader. From the results of the research above, it can be concluded that the meaning of celibacy in Buddhism and Catholicism is unmarried life which is carried out on religious grounds. In practicing celibacy, Buddhism aims to achieve Nibbana while in Catholicism it is to devote oneself to the kingdom of God. The researcher hopes that there will be other researchers who discuss celibacy in Buddhism and Catholicism and the motivation to choose celibacy itself so that it will enrich and clarify what has been unclear so far.


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