Harnessing Meditation for Workplace Well-Being: Advancing UN Sustainable Development Goal 8

  • Ashok Ashta The University of Kitakyushu
Keywords: Meditation, employee wellbeing, Society 5.0, lived experience, autoethnography, participant observation


This paper aims to develop an integrated understanding of how meditation can enhance employee well-being, particularly in the context of achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal No. 8 of decent work.  This paper aims to develop an integrated understanding of how meditation can enhance employee well-being, particularly in the context of achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal No. 8 of decent work.  The research findings generate an integrated conceptual model illustrating how meditation reduces stress and positively impacts performance, relationships, and well-being in the workplace. The study highlights the relevance of meditation for promoting safe and healthy working environments.  This study is among the first to link the practice of meditation directly to the realization of the UN Sustainable Development Goals, specifically focusing on decent work. The implications for incorporating meditation into educational curricula and workplace policies are also discussed.


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