Transforming Tradition into Spiritual Harmony: A Study of the Bangbarongan Ritual in Bandung Regency, West Java

  • Syihabuddin Safiq Al-Mufid UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung, Indonesia
Keywords: Bangbarongan Tradition, Local Wisdom, Religiosity, Religious Influence, Social Harmony


Diversity in Indonesia, with its various ethnic groups, religions, cultures, and traditions, constitutes a fundamental part of the nation's social structure. The Bangbarongan tradition in Kampung Cipondoh, Desa Cileunyi Kulon, West Java, represents one example of this cultural richness. This study investigates three main aspects of the Bangbarongan tradition: its embedded religious system, the influence of religion on its rituals, and the conveyed meaning of religiosity. Employing a qualitative method with a field-based approach, the research incorporates direct observation, Personal Communications, and documentation to explore these dimensions. The findings reveal that the Bangbarongan tradition embodies a profound intertwining of cultural and religious elements, transcending its role as entertainment to serve as a moral compass, a medium for social unity, and a spiritual guide. Its religious system encompasses rituals, religious emotions, and belief systems that dynamically integrate cultural practices with Islamic values. Rituals such as placing the Bangbarongan at graves to symbolize the expulsion of human vices, combined with religious emotions fostered through prayer and reflection, highlight the tradition’s capacity to promote moral and spiritual growth. Additionally, the tradition balances the preservation of cultural identity with adaptation to the needs of a modern and heterogeneous community, maintaining ancestral wisdom while fostering unity and harmony. This study contributes to the broader understanding of how traditional rituals can sustain cultural identity, reinforce social cohesion, and promote local wisdom amidst modernization. The dual-purpose role of the Bangbarongan tradition as entertainment and education demonstrates its value in instilling moral and spiritual values in the community. These insights underline the importance of preserving traditional practices as vital cultural and spiritual assets in rapidly changing societies.
